Fishing & Caravan / Motorhome Tariffs

Fishery Rules (Sept – 2020)
All Visitors Must Pre-book (no-drive or walk-in’s) and Report to Tackle Shop/Reception.
Regardless of fishing, visiting or “just looking”
(Please Understand We Need to Know Who is on Site. Health & Safety)
- Strictly barbless hooks only. (not crushed or filed).
- No bent or curved shanked hooks to be used,
- Stags lake: maximum hook-size 4.
- Otter’s/Oaktree lakes: maximum hook-size 8.
- All Nuts are banned. (unless manufactured baits).
- No Rods to be left unattended at any time.
- Fishing from designated swims only.
- Use of bait-boats, please ask.
- Use your own landing nets/mat/slings, ( large net/mat on Stags).
- All Nets / keep nets must be dipped, Please ask on day use of keep nets.
- All fish must only be landed using your landing net,
- All landing nets /mats and weigh slings must be dipped
- Nets dipped in the disinfection tanks provided in main car park. (only use approved nets)
- Anyone not dipping all landing nets / mats / slings etc, will be ask to leave
All fish caught are to be returned to the lake soon as possible
No lead core.
No fixed leads/feeders.
No braided mainline.
No spinning.
No nuts or beans.
No live/dead baiting,
No wading.
No Fly Fishing.
Particles can be used in moderation, (No-nuts) Please check on day.
Must have your own landing nets/mat’s per-person.
Keep nets for silver fish (banned at certain times so please ask before using).
2 rod limit on Otter’s and Oaktree lakes (Stags lake see tariff).
Any one under the age of 16yrs fishing on Stags lake must be with an adult.
All rubbish to be Taken away (Home) with you. Please Take Home.
Toilets, Only use the Toilet’s provided (not bushes), Situated at the end of green barn.
All Children under the age of 16yrs, Must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
No one under16yrs to be left over night on site without an adult.
Handle all fish with care and do not place directly onto Grass or
stone pegs/paths, Unhooking mats must be used at all times.
Hooks and Rigs Checks will be made, Anyone found in breach of
the rules will be asked to leave the fishery immediately with no refunds.
No antisocial behaviour / Consideration and Sportsmanship to be given to other anglers at all times.
A Rod license is required, (your responsibility)
All fish caught are to be returned to the lake ASAP. (Our fish are micro-chipped).
Removal of fish from the site or to different lakes will result in prosecution.
Fish welfare and safety Are of uppermost importance, if you are in any doubt what so ever please ask.
Anyone found in breach of the rules will be asked to leave the fishery immediately without a refund.
All the above rules will be strictly enforced and regular rig checks will be made.
Gateway to Exmoor and the World of Coarse Fishing
Fishery Opens at 7:00 am (no entry before) and Close’s at 9:00 pm or Dusk which ever the earliest, All day ticket holders must then leave site.
Please allow yourselves ample time to pack up, Thank-you, Please Ask if Unsure.
Otters and Oaktree Lakes 1 or 2-rods pp £10.00 pp – 24hrs £20.00 per-person.
Camping fee/cost applies to all over night non fishing persons £5.00 per-person.
Day fee/cost applies to all day visitors non fishing persons £3.00 per-person.Up-To 15 yrs & Concession’s 1 or 2-rods pp £8.00 – 24hrs £16.00 per-person on Oaktree/Otters Lakes.
All Extra Rods are £5.00 each, per paid fishing ticket.
STAGS LAKE:- 1 or 2 rods £15.00 pp
Day cost: All day visitors non fishing persons £3.00 per-person.STAGS LAKE:- Over Night- up-to 24hrs session 1 or 2 Rods £25.00 pp/per-session
Camping cost/fee applies to over night non fishing persons £5.00 per-person.
Only Pre-booked and Paid Fishing Tickets Are Available
Fee applies to all day/night visitors non fishing persons.
No on Site Fishing Tickets Available (Must Be Booked By Phone).
Please Call Tel: 01398 341 568 To Pre-book and Pay.
Please Call Us: To Pre-book and Pay by Debit/Credit Card.
Day Tickets
Fishery Opens 7:00am to 9:00pm or Dusk (which ever earliest)
(Winter time is from first light please check times, but not before 7:00am to dusk
- Payments Only by Phone: Most Credit & Debit Cards Accepted
- Over Night Fishing/Camping /WC.
- Please Keep your Swim/Pitch Clean and Tidy From Rubbish.
(Includes showers / toilets)
Night Fishing- up-to 24-hr Tickets. plus:-36hr/48hr/72hr/weekly
Open at 7:00 am (except winter times) to 1/2hr before Dusk-please ask
Otters/Oaktree (rods)
- 24-hr extra rods £5.00
- Day tickets, extra rods £5.00 each
Stags Lake (rods)
- 24-hr extra rods £5.00
- Day tickets, extra rods £5.00 each
Dogs are welcome and are charged at £1.00 per day or £2.00 per 24hrs
(must be cleaned up after and disposed of in our dog bin).
Please Note: No Pitch/Pegs are held or Guaranteed Unless Paid
Please Note: No Pitch/Pegs are held or Guaranteed Unless Paid
Jan 7th – Mar 31st
Nov 1st – Dec 21st
£12.00 |
One Small Tent |
Adults £5.00 / 5-15yrs £3.00
Under 5’s Free / Pets £2.00 p.n
Plus Fishing: Day / Night tickets
One Small Tent |
April 1st – Oct 31st
Dec 22nd – Jan 6th
Touring Caravans/Motorhomes/Tents
All Charges are for 2 Persons Per Night for Touring Caravans, Motorhomes and Camping
Adults £10.00 / 5-15yrs £5.00
Under 5’s Free / Pets £2.00 p.n
Plus Fishing Costs: Day / Night tickets
Terms of Reservation: Deposit of £20 pw per pitch is required on all bookings.
Full balance payable 30 days prior to arrival. (Please read T&C’s)
**Electric Cables not supplied (hire available). Passing nightly stays welcome on arrival.
Dogs are welcome and are charged at £2.00 per night (must be cleaned up after and placed in dog bin).